A Motivational Speaker’s Story

Meet Michaela Wain, Director of Design and Build Publishing Ltd.

A graduate of Thornleigh Salesians College, Bolton and who became an excellent sales person making commission in various roles before setting up her own business.

Inspirational Speaker Michaela J WainAt age 25 Michaela gave birth to her son and at this time she made her decision to set up her own company, along with her brother, Lee-John, producing a construction magazine, Design and Build UK.

Michaela says “I have struggled with problematic issues throughout my life and career. My first company was put into liquidation and although this was a massive setback I did not allow it to affect me and I immediately started another business. Having learnt from mistakes that were made first time around I was determined and focused not to make the same mistakes and this focus paid off and I now run 6 successful companies within the construction industry”.

“Personally, I have suffered with depression and anxiety since being a young girl and have battled to overcome many testing times and come out on top. I don’t think there is enough awareness of people suffering with a mental illness and wish to get the message across to people in the same position that your thoughts can be switched up and turn bad days in to good ones”.

“After 15 miscarriages I did not give up hope of being a mother. This resiliency resulted in the birth of my son who is now 8 years old. He is my inspiration every day to get in to work and achieve greater things and I hope I have shown that being a mum does not stop you from being a businesswoman. My aim is to go on to help inspire other people and make them see that there is so much to be achieved if you can stay positive”.

“Coming 3rd on The Apprentice 2017 is by no means my greatest achievement. It is just a stepping stone to get me where I want to be. It has changed my life and I will be forever grateful for the experience and people that I have met. One of them is Harrison Jones who now heads up the Southern Branch of my construction company, Design and Build Construction, and we have now come together to do public and inspirational speaking”.

The Apprentice Candidates 2017